Figma File links

Phone App Screens

Prototype Presentation Links

Phone App Screens


This week I continued to clean up the companion app mockups. I wanted to include an animation of the statistics page but the organization and the method of displaying the data felt a bit strange and I tried to improve on it. I should spend some time trying to work on the AR prototypes so that they are fiting for the video.


While making the design system, I created a couple of graphics in order to implement them into the AR and phone app. It was quite difficult organizing the mockup screens into editable files that can be brought in to after effects because o fthe large amount of content in this project. I mainly focused on just the phone app this week which was a mistake as it would have been great having a couple of AR videos for the main site. My focus wasn't nearly on the AR component as much as it should have been. In this week I experimented with some motion tracking using stock photos of people snowboarding. However, I really wanted to use my own footage somehow wether it be from a mountain or computer generated. I played with some text styles on the videos. I was coming across the problem of having a really slow after effects when trying to create animations. This would crash often making it difficult to complete work.


data vis styling

Styling for data visualizations that are interesting.

data vis styling

Styling for data visualizations that are interesting. This styling is radial and bar, however it is not time based. I am looking for a way to represent a multitude of data values that are all related through time. I want to find an interesting method of displaying them all together with values and progressive disclosure. What I have currently doesn't really accomplish my goal but can work for some basic statistics

data vis styling

These mockups have more of an illustrative focus that provides

data vis styling

These provide inspiration for the badges for the achievements section. I wanted them to all have a certain and similar style that resonates throughout the entire app. Therefore I need to create a couple of line illustrations to decorate and fill in certain sections for the app that are more fun and creative.

I wanted to capture the essence of snowboarding through the transitions of the app, using round hill shapes, and lighter colours

Week 08

Assignment 4 Animation | October 29, 2019