Figma File links

Phone App Screens AR Goggle Screens

Prototype Presentation Links

Phone App Screens AR Goggle Screens



Overall, I didnt spend as much time on this as I wanted to. There is a lot that I could improve and I will continue to fix this up over the break. I was lacking in completed mockups in order to develop good animations. I was unsure about a lot of my mockups screens and felt that I didn't spend enought time on those in order to create effectively meaningful animations.

Phone App

Welcome Screen


This is the initial welcome screen animation of the project. In this animation, I worked on creating the welcome screen as you first open the app. I wanted it to go along with the loading of the app and provide some round and circular graphic sto fit the brand. The difficulty here was figuring out smooth and seamless transitions between the different parts of the animated logo. For this project I used figma to animate the graphics and

Initial Syncing Devices


Steep: FInal Point Score

Initial Syncing Devices


Steep: FInal Point Score

Lessons Page


Steep: FInal Point Score

Media Page


Steep: FInal Point Score

Coach Page


Steep: FInal Point Score

Week 10

Assignment 5 | November 12, 2019