Crazy 8

Crazy 8 Scans


A variety of suggestions have been made that are pretty helpful and informative and can be directly translated into low fidelity wireframes. It has been suggested to have illustrations and iconography for the app sections that can be made in a square with a two column layouts. These could have illustrations or graph as an image relating to the subject. A variety of people included some very helpful concepts, such as including a last run screen or an overview map. When using the app, an interesting feature would be to indicate where the center of gravity is on the board. An interesting suggestion discusses the use of swiping for more detailed stats. A button can be clicked to go into more detail of the run, or even with the expanding gesture to open up a new page that would allow for more detailed analysis. This device automatically records every run. and would somehow store it. Potentially on the cloud, with most recent data being on the device. Another suggestion that is super cool would be a map view, indicating where you've been. Another way to scroll through past rides. It might even have a heatmap indicating more frequented spots. It is important to note that using the app and using the AR device will never really be used at the same time. The app would be mainly used for customization and review. While the AR device will mainly be used for performance. A future possible feature is AR streaming, where boarders can stream their performance online, similar to gamers streaming on twitch. Most snowboarders always wear goggles when going down the mountain. Goggles mainly help with visibility issues and heavy wind or fast speeds.

Instructor Mode

I have realized that using it on the mountain with instructor mode may be overwhelming. It may be very difficult to concentrate when using instructor mode and should only be available under specific conditions. A lot of beginner snowboarding is done with the help of someone holding you or applying pressure to certain places. Doing it alone a big hill can be scary. And so the app should analyze slopes and indicate which ones are safe to try on at the moment. A great suggestion is the inclusion of a ghost rider that would show the user how to do certain skills. The ghost can act as a normal instructor and talk and give tips on your riding. It can even display your own performance to show you how to improve.

Game Mode

Game mode is more of a feature that can be set and would be present through all of your data. It passively counts all of the combos and updates you on the total points and how many things you have. And would track and combine with the statistics of the runs. A leaderboard would be a great motivational and social aspect. This feature was recommended in one crazy eight. Individual Profiles is also another recommendation where you can browse people stats or information. The leaderboard can also be off that specific hill or route

Assessment of the Workshop

The crazy 8 is useful in helping me initialize my thoughts on the layout and the navigation system. There's still a lot of kinks that I need to work out but overall, these can be used straight into the low fidelity wireframes. It initializes the navigation and the layout of the project, providing some boards and designs that can include some interesting architecture. It is also important to note that the AR device is used during snowboarding. For some reason, people thought this was some kind of VR game you do at home. This is designed to be a fully usable device on the mountains. Furthermore, I want to design without concern for what is currently possible and include features geared towards enhancing the experience.

Information Architecture

Phone Screen

A list of all of the features in the app

AR Settings (Customization)

  • Custom Screen
    • Change the layout for accessibility Issues
  • Can Change
    • UI Sizes and scaling
    • Transparency
    • language
    • Modes -turn on and off
    • Colors and text
    • UI Information
      • Minimal - no text, just icons, the least amount of info
      • Default - Only important information is shown
      • Informative - all of the info
      • Custom - choose what info you want to see
      • Center of Gravity Indicator
      • Compass
      • Music Title
      • Surface and surface angle detection
      • would the AR goggles display every single surface and the angle of what they are at.
    • Instructor Mode / Race Settings
    • Ghost Settings
      • Transparency
      • Parts of the ghost shown (board hands head)

Camera and Recording

  • Exit Button Take Photo - Zoom (But if you start moving this turns off) Drone Options A list of all of the videos and photos you have taken *Organized by date (Can sort by score)* Deletes them after a while

Last Ride (Run Summary)

  • Exit Button Take Photo - Zoom (But if you start moving this turns off) Drone Options A list of all of the videos and photos you have taken *Organized by date (Can sort by score)* Deletes them after a while

Statistics (History)

  • Daily Summary Weekly summary Monthly Summary *Data in each* Total distance Total Time Total Score Goal Settings Highest Altitude **Locations (Goes to locations)** *A Browser of various snowboarding hills, mountains or locations with a list of events going on* A map (different zoom levels) Events Mountains *Can click on one* Lift ticket pricing A map of all of the runs in the location Run heat map A link to images of the run Visited Locations Previously visited locations. A Schedule A list of events

Game Community

  • Daily Summary Weekly summary Monthly Summary *Data in each* Total distance Total Time Total Score Goal Settings Highest Altitude **Locations (Goes to locations)** *A Browser of various snowboarding hills, mountains or locations with a list of events going on* A map (different zoom levels) Events Mountains *Can click on one* Lift ticket pricing A map of all of the runs in the location Run heat map A link to images of the run Visited Locations Previously visited locations. A Schedule A list of events


  • *Various lessons that a rider can select to get started in their journey. Would be lessons on everything from the basics to advanced moves. All of these lessons will indicate safe care and motion. These lessons discuss things to keep in mind and should have a more free form basics. Diagnostic levels in order to access the user and riding. These lessons can be done through the app and just reviewed without the board (a button to indicate to change to board)* List of lessons Organized into categories *Look at the quickride book. These can be accessed in the AR device.* Diagnostic Beginner Equipment Lift Side Slipping Pendulum Chicken turns Turning Intermediate Board Control Advanced Turning Advanced Steep Slopes Terrain Groundwork Jumps Landing Features Repair Lesson Lesson Screen Approximate Time Difficulty Level Progress Bar Videos Button to view in AR

Low Fidelity

User Flow 1 Phone APp

These are partially complete and will be updated tonight

Mid Fidelity

Initial Mid Fidelity Wireframes

Figma File

Week 04

Assignment 3 | October 1, 2019