How Might We Workshop Summary

How Might We Scans


I've gained a lot of new ideas and improvements to old ideas from the HMW assignment. Many people discussed a variety of interesting features that would definitely benefit the app in different areas. However, through all of these suggestions, I always need to keep in mind the main goal of the project. This is to create an all encompassing AR device that would improve and assist the snowboarding experience. While riding, the snowboarder needs to remain focused when doing high intensity skills and slopes. However, a user who is learning or practicing skills can have a more interactive experience. Some suggestions indicated for it to be good to have a program or mode that could help train or improve a pro athletes performance. This would include performance metrics, environmental data and biometrics, helping the snowboarder think about both the technique and the fitness aspects of snowboarding. However, I want to be able to give people a choice on most of the info they see in each mode. This customization would most likely be before going down the mountain as on the hill, you can't access your phone. However, there are some interactions that you need while going down the hill. For example, setting a route for other people to follow, or pinging your location to let others know where you are. Therefore, as another HMW indicated, there needs to be a method of interacting with the AR screen while going down the hill. There would be an associated app which will allow for customization of what you see in the AR screen, depending on the mode. The app would include data outlining your locations, biometrics, statistics and community. The social part of the app would need to recognize the many different types of people you may interact with through the app. This includes friends, people around you, the snowboarding community, instructors, technicians and the people you are boarding with. Furthermore, the data on this app would be collected and gamified. Many people suggested this feature in the HMW. In terms of gamification, the user would be able to share routes, compare times of these routes an speeds. And for those doing half pipes, and tricks, they would be able to share the trick data and would get points on connecting things together and doing the tricks well. In the app, these people can compare statistics or even foster a community and share knowledge of locations or techniques. Location based rating system. Possibly, can include the level or proficiency of the rider, as well as their name. However, as suggested, the AR system needs to not obstruct the view of the rider and would only show what is needed at the moment.


In addition, people also suggested different views or settings when approaching different slopes. I want to take this a step further and discuss how there would be a variety of modes for different types of users and different situations. Most modes can depend on the situation and the emotions of the users and therefore can't really be automatically set, or automatically detected. I think it would be great to adjust the settings of each mode. There would be a variety of suggested modes that would allow for people to understand or even see the mountain in different ways. Instructor Mode would teach new and experienced snowboard how to improve on their boarding. This mode would have different levels allowing for snowboarder to continue to use them as they get better in skill level. I am a certified snowboard instructor and we currently use the Quick Ride system which will be implemented in the app itself. The instructor mode will also help with progression and preparation for more intense tricks and stunts. The default mode would be for the basic riding, and would have a minimal amount of data shown and features. This may include some basic navigation data (such as GPS navigation, routes and landmarks), the occasional goal or game notification, a connection to calls. The location of friends or other people using the app. Minimal mode will only show required safety info. Low Visibility mode would be for those who ride later at night in badly lit areas. This would highlight more of the terrain and maybe act as night vision goggles. Game mode is another possible mode that can be used in competitions or even alone, competing for the best time or even on the half pipe, with an Olympics based scoring system. A lot of inspiration can be drawn from the game Steep. Personal bests or local bests can be indicated on the mountain itself at the start of various routes. And can possibly be interacted with in order to start them. Someone also mentioned using these goggles to have the experience of season. I think that would be fun to have a simulated mountain through the goggles. However, this could also be pretty dangerous. They also discussed having a run through or overview of the slope before actually going down it.


Safety is always considered and therefore would have some prevalent features in each mode. Most people discussed a variety of safety features for both preventative and post-injury measures. Some features suggested include how the app can "stay connected after a wipe out and call an emergency number if the body temperature is too low". Another great suggestion is to have a safety notification system if a friend is hurt so you can go help them or they can help you if you got hurt.


Many people mentioned including photography or external cameras in order to take pictures for videos. I was thinking about including a feature to connect the device or the rider to a drone camera. The position can be set in the app before the run and while riding, the drone will follow the rider down the mountain. The goggles themselves need a variety of protective features, such as anti scratch and UV protection. Someone mentioned damage control monitoring and it would be a very cool idea to connect the App to the snowboard and to the helmet and it would display if it needs waxing, repairs or if there may be safety issues using them. The main question is how would people interact with this technology. How would one change mode? If they want to change it in the mountain, it would be cold and difficult to access the phone. When they stop, they should be able to easily change modes or turn off the interface completely. They could possibly use their whole body with gestures or their eyes, in order to select different items on the menu. Voice can be used as well, in order to start and stop or record somethings. The voice interactions can be used to cycle between modes or to coach and teach skills to the user. Maybe even take photos or record routes. There also will be accessibility features like colour blind accommodation. Another interesting HMW is the fact that with AR, the space itself can be used to make an interactive UI. The space itself can indicate and hold projections of someone demonstrating a move or even points of data outlining ice spots or highlight trees. There could be points you need to hit highlighted on your body teaching you ways of balancing on grinds, or on the board. There would be a variety of social features. Where people can be able to if a friend or someone gets hurt, it will tell others where they are and how to find them. People can also use the AR to recognize others, and animals. Some AR technology uses buttons placed in physical locations that can be interacted with. This could be interesting in order to either start a race, like a line, or to interact with the UI.

Thoughts on the Workshop

Overall the HMW is a pretty good method for creating or developing novel ideas or even building out the MoSCoW. This exercise helped me see certain possibilities that I may have not seen on my own. There was a lot of repeating HMW's which could help us see what the important features are. However, not many of the HMW's really recommended a different app or were very different from what my initial concept and thoughts were. This also helped me be more confident with following through with this idea. The HMW also takes the format of a question which makes the suggestions seem less harsh and personally directed. This is a good tool for critiquing the initial stages of a project and is similar to a timed mind map or brainstorm. I will definitely use this in other classes or areas of design.

Statement of Intent

What is the primary goal of your screen-based/application project?

To enhance and improve the snowboarding experience for both beginners and new riders using location data, weather data, biometric data, and performance data.

Which medium/platform are you focusing on, and why?

I am focusing on AR and a phone app. However, there may possibly be a web or desktop app in order to provide further insight and data for a user. The AR screen and the phone app are the main focus because the user would mainly be using the app snowboarding, and in most cases, snowboarders always wear goggles, in order to block wind, UV's or harsh snow. Therefore, going downhill, they would not have access to the phone but just the AR projection. However, at the top or the bottom of the hill, they can customize their settings to their will. The phone app can also be used to review the data collected by the AR device. The AR device would also have a variety of features that would allow for control on the fly. This includes music control, camera control, route start, stop, heart rate or impact display, etc.

In which capacities will your screen-based project solve a human problem?

This would mainly enhance and improve a users experience. This can be used to prevent injury and improve performance of professionals. This device is made to incorporate digital technology in something physical and active rather than sedentary. This app helps humans stay active and healthy.

What keywords best describe the theme of your project?

Snowboarding, Sports, Active, Augmented Reality, Data-Driven, Speculative

What is the intended audience?

Both new and experienced snowboarders. This is usually people from the age 6 to age 100. However, this technology will most likely be inaccessible to people who lack limbs or vision. People with physical dissabilities would require very differently designed products that will be better suited for their movement and functioning.

In which way will users be encouraged to use your interface over and over again?

People would associate the interface with snowboarding and would use it whenever they think about snowboarding, either to improve their experience riding it, or to look at metrics, understanding their performance

Based on your research and the How Might We workshop, what is the unique value proposition of your digital solution?

My project is unique because it is designed to enhance a specific human experience of any skill level. It provides new ways to understand and see snowboarding and alpine sports in general. It combines high levels of data driven design that give the necessary information to a snowboarder. The device doesn't only enhance the snowboarding experience, it creates new and novel experiences that are new to all types of snowboarders, such as gamification and detailed and spontaneous public competitions.

How will you evaluate the success of your interface?

The interface is successful if people of all skill levels use the interface. The goal is to not hinder a rider but improve their experience in any way possible. I really want to create a smooth and easy to understand experience that does not overwhelm the user but has a lot of helpful information for keeping the user safe, informed and excited.

Week 03

Assignment 1 | September 24, 2019