Figma File links

Phone App Screens AR Goggle Screens

Prototype Presentation Links

Phone App Screens AR Goggle Screens



In this week I created a couple of the assets for the snow and weather sections. I also created the icons for the snow types that may appear in the AR device or the app.


For this week I mainly focused on updating and cleaning up the prototype so that they can work well in the animation. I want to add a variety of sections and pages including, lessons, community, profile and friends, in order to provide a better experience in the prototype. I tried to clean up the interactions and wanted to test out more pages and content for the companion app. Some pages were quite long however.


Going through UI movement to look through a variety of animated possibilities. I want to create a video using motion tracking in order to develop the AR screens. I will spend the time to develop the AR screens and develop more of the concept. I didn't have as much time to create the graphics but did start planning out certain animations that I wanted to have included.

References for Camera


This is for the AR device and is used as a base for the AR demonstration videos. These videos had quite a bit of movement and a lot of over exposed components so it was very difficult in creating tracking points that would allow for an easy elements to track. Also, used snow has very strange and jagged patterns that create wierd surfaces and ragged shapes that are also difficult to track.


These websites are what snowboard companies brand themselves as and can be useful in understanding the key values and key points of imagery

Nobile Burton Evo Rossignol

Week 07

Assignment 4 | October 22, 2019