Design Considerations

I spent a lot of time trying to figure out a usable structure before moving on to sketches. I went through a variety of iterations of how the structure of the content would be organized and what would make the most sense. Initially, I drew a lot of information from the Nike Run Club App and the Nokia Healthmate App. I shifted the focus on the lessons, emphasizing components that promote improvement and learning. These elements include personalized tips and data driven recommendations. This device is speculative and will be able to record a multitude of performance data which can be analyzed in order to improve and micromanage the boarders skills. I have experience teaching snowboarding and can draw from the resources I have collected from trainings. However, beyond this there would be social interactions that include competitive routes and the ability to set your own routes. The device will track the information using stickers attached to the board or stickers on the board, or the board with all of the tracking ability can be purchased as well.


Points are based on a variety of things. The 'turn' quality calculator, combo and trick counter, distance, speed and # of falls are some elements that influence the amount of points a user would have. All of these points are counted together in a normal run. However, in a race, a specific point counter can be used to judge score, As some races are specifically for tricks. There are three types of races, Speed races, Trick races. Each race counts a specific counter and multiplies it by the race multiplier

User Personas

User 01 Alexi Romovik

Alexi is a Beginner Snowboarder who is 42 years old. She wants to learn snowboarding as her kids are currently learning as well but never got the chance. She has no experience skiing and her children are starting to want to go to larger mountains. She wants to do it with them to make sure they are safe and she wanted to find a way to learn without burdening anyone or embarrassing herself with an instructor.

User 02 Gavin Thrush

Gavin Thrush- 17 year old. Pro snowboarder who wants to find others to meet others in the park and learn more advanced tricks and such. He loves to compete. The features he would mainly be using is the Social Mode. This is the first time he's using the AR device and tests it out with friends far away from a mountain.

User Flows

User Flow 01

Alexi uses the AR Device and goes through the first lesson and then she reviews her performance on the phone app.

AR Goggles

  1. Turn On She puts on the goggles for the first time and turns on the device by pressing the action button. The device indicates powering on and a loading state. Potentially be a sticker on the goggles indicating that the action button needs to be pressed to turn on.
  2. Callibration The device orients itself in the world around it using visuals, sensory data, and GPS data.
  3. Syncing The device asks to connect with your phone for data storage or cloud storage on the app. She syncs the device to her phone but since she hasn't set up the app, the sync does not work. The device informs her that she should sync when she goes on her phone.
  4. Welcome Informs user of location, coordinates, user profile, weather condistions, snow conditions, which can be click on and expanded. This screen fades out and is only on for about three seconds.
  5. Onboarding Going over the main and important UI and icons.
    • Safety Possible dangers of distracted snowboarding. If overwhelmed turn off the UI by holding the action button. This device will call emergency services or those nearby when detecting low levels of consciousness, heart rate, and internal temperature.
    • Physical Buttons This screen will have a clicable button to skip.
      1. A user can interact with the UI elements by placing their hand on it in the interface and turning it.
      2. If the action button is held long while still the power and settings will open up. If the action button is double taped, the mode menu will pop up. Single click to take a photo at any moment
      3. The volume buttons can be held together in order to mute the
    • Main Modes These modes can be accessed by double taping the action button while still.
      1. Default Mode - This mode allows users to
      2. Lessons Mode - This mode allows users to follow a guided lesson on any topic in snowboarding.
      3. Focus Mode - This mode allows you to focus on a single skill and provides the data needed while minimizing everything else.
    • Other Actions
      1. Click the action button once to take a photo, double click to take a video.
      2. Low Visibility Mode can be turned on by wiping your hand across the goggles.
      3. Turn off and on the UI by holding the action button.
  6. Survey This is to see what level they are at, in order to check if they want to learn or practice.
    • Survey Part One Choosing what level the user is at
      1. Beginner - Is new to snowboarding, and has never picked up a snowboard.
      2. Intermediate - Understands the basics of turning.
      3. Advanced - Knows turning and snowboarding well. This opens up a dialogue that.
      4. Diagnostic - Opens a test for the user, with AR obstacles and specific skills to assess the user, starting from basics to higher levels.
    • Survey Part Two The user is given two options, guided or unguided. The guided mode will start them off in a lesson, giving the option to brose through the levels., unguided will put it on default mode. These options are the same for all levels but the starting lesson will be different.
  7. Title Screen They picked the guided beginner option. The first lesson is : Lesson One, Equipment. In this section they see a summary of the lesson and what they will learn, as well as the approximate time. The user will have the option to play, skip (go to the next section of the lesson) , browse (lead to the lesson browser) or leave (which will go to default mode)
  8. LessonThe user will follow a ghost or AR instructor who explains the basics of a snowboard. The path that the user should follow for the lesson is also shown. Any important data points will be displayed on the bottom right.
  9. End of Lesson This will be a quick summary of the lesson. It will show your tota points, time, skills, achievements, and give a tip or two on improvements. In this screen you have actions to Replay, Browse, Next Lesson (Automatic start), Leave. View more data in the app.
  10. Lesson Browser Alexi selects the browser option and looks through the various lessons.
  11. Shut Down Machine She holds the action button and accesses the power option and shuts down the device. Then she opens the phone.

Phone App

  1. Open the app Alexis opens the app and sees a welcome screen
  2. Log in & Create Account She sets up her account
  3. Consent She allows access to her data for analysis.
  4. Devices / Sync Alexis syncs her phone to the device.
  5. Statistics / Summary & History This is the first page and give some stats on the last runs.
  6. Statistics / Individual Run This describes the individual run, She looks at a variety of stats and opens them up to see the details of each data point collected.
  7. Statistics / Timeline and Data View She further opens up the data, and views it on a timeline with specific points of data. She checks the physical, biometric and performance data.
  8. Statistics / Achievements
  9. Statistics / Media
  10. Statistics / Tips
  11. Lessons / Coach
  12. Lesson Browser
  13. Lesson / Video and Preview

Mid Fidelity

Colourless mockups and states depicting specific user flows through the app. For this project I

Figma File links

Phone App Screens AR Goggle Screens

Prototype Presentation Links

Phone App Screens AR Goggle Screens

Low Fidelity

These are composed of only a couple of the screens, showcasing general experiments in layout and content management, informing the structural decisions of the app.

Sketches & Screens

AR Device Architecture

Welcome Screen

A screen showing the general location and the weather conditions and snow conditions. This would be like a good morning, and would only appear at the beginning of a session or when you move to a new location. At the top of the hill, the name of the run will appear in AR.

Syncing and Callibration

The sync screen will only show up the first time you connect to a device. When using the device later on, it will sync passively with the phone using bluetooth. Callibration will happen everytime you open the app.

Physical Buttons

The action button is the main physical control of the device. While the board is still will have different effects then when moving. While moving, tap once to take a photo and double tap to start recording. Hold to turn off the UI. While still, hold to access the menu to change modes and access the power options. When accessing the lesson mode, the lesson browser would pop up, and only the lessons in your skill level would be available. Holding the volume buttons at the same time will mute or unmute the audio.


Your hands are used to interact with the buttons on the screen. Turning your hand presses the button. The cursor at the center of the goggles can also be used to send messages to specific people or to view certain information.

A user can do all of the same interactions through voice. Through voice, you can also answer calls, send messages, and notify the group of members you may be travelling with. The keyword is Beyond Snowgear.

Sending and Recieving Messages

A user can get or recieve messages. This can be to other users around you or to people in your phone contacts. You can also voice chat or communicate with either people around you or a select group of people. This is done by hovering the cursor over someone or saying their name after triggering the keywords.

Main UI

Contains speed, time, and location that will always be available. The sync, callibration, volume, and biometrics will only show information when required. Changing information is done through the app. All modes include safety features, such as danger detection and low visibility.

Challenge Mode

This mode appears when accepting a challenge, event or a race. On regular mountains, you can enter into a challenge route in order to compare and compete with others. However if you make a new path, find new terrain or enter a new unexplored area, at the ending summary, the device will ask if you want to set a challenge. After accepting, you pick the type of challenge and Looking up at the mountain the ending marker will slide on the route you have taken in order to set the finish line. This allows for the end of the race to be where the boarder was at max speed.

Object Detection: Tricks and Features

Dangers such as objects and ice sheets will be highlighted with minimal UI. However, if a user interacts with it, it will become feature.

Instructor Mode

This is done by picking a lesson in the lesson browser and is only available when doing a lesson.


Low Visibility

Wipe the screen to enter low visibility mode. Low visibility mode is automatic on sections that have difficult visibility and isn't overly intrusive with some outline of irregular surfaces or edges of jumps or clifs.

Phone Architecture

The purpose of the phone is to provide opportunity for more detailed and analytical review and improvement, as well as connecting people together.


The Bottom Bar contains the Statistics, Media, Lesson Browser, Community, Device. The Top Bar on the main pages contains the Profile and an Action button depending on the page. Each section can be swiped left or right and would contains sub sections inside of them. This style of navigation is simple to the Nike Run App and is a method of organizing a large amount of content of different sections that seems effective.



This section gives some overall statistics of the users information. This section can be accessed and clicked on for more detailed statistics

The main information given is Total Distance, Total # of Runs


Runs will be different colours depending on the three modes, default, focus, and lessons. Runs will be grouped by session and location. The run information will show the distance, total points, date, time, and location. There would be a graphic depicting a general outline of the run.

Individual Runs Details

This page would showcase that specific run and any data that a user may possibly need. There would be a video or run walkthrough section, allowing the user to scroll through the run, looking through various data points in a timeline about the run.

A user will also have access to summary information and a

Session Summary








Each challenge would contain its own leaderboard



Your Device


Where people can buy a device online or browse through the ones available. This links out to


Account Settings



DM or group messages. This would be how people communicate

Week 05

Assignment 3 | October 8, 2019