
Conquer all mountains.
Go beyond your limits.
No room for skiiers.

Beyond Snowgear Companion

Beyond Snowgear’s

Companion App

The Beyond Snowgear app is an all aspects hub for controlling your devices. This application lets you review, control, share, and customize your activity and devices. This app is designed to enhance the snowboarding experience socially, mentally and physically. You can download the app and sync any of your Snowgear in order to store your runs in the cloud.

Download the app

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"I'm new to snowboarding and have learned so much from these lessons, this app helps improve the AR experience immensely."
— Thom Yorke

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Review to Improve

Learn the ins and outs of your riding

Track your progress and review every single session with detailed statistics on the conditions and how you can improve your riding. This allows you to make detailed and specific improvements to your riding ability


Share and View Photos

The photos from your AR device will be stored on the app.

Capture video and review them in each run. You can find out more about each photo and find out when you took them in the run.

Thomas Gerard 2019-11-25

Thomas Gerard 2019-11-25

Thomas Gerard 2019-11-25

Thomas Gerard 2019-11-25

Thomas Gerard 2019-11-25

Thomas Gerard 2019-11-25

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Map out your progress

Review the places you visited

Track your locations and create a map and timeline of where you have been. Share this with friends and find out new places to snowboard. Visit your friends map and locate where they are snowboarding across the world. We are associated with a couple of skii resorts in order to provide you with the best immersive experiences for your AR device.


Blue Mountain Logo Mt St Louis Moonstone Logo Holiday Valley Bristol Mountain Horseshoe - A Skyline Resort - Barrie whistler blackcomb

"I love this app, I have been using it and improving every single one of my skills. It really hones in on what you need to work on. This is the best app for any snowboarder."
— Redmond Gerard

Learn from the best

From novice to pro

These lesson are geared towards your riding ability and uses data to provide live feedback when you ride. Complete lessons on the AR device and review them on the companion app.These lessons have been curated and created by some of the greatest coaches and instructors, backed with studies analyzing how to use data and how to teach snowboarding effectively.

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Earn points towards goals and achievements

Level up your riding ability with points and badges.

Track your achievements when completing lessons, events, and challenges in order to earn badges and stickers that you can order and print out for your snowboard! You can also level up and compete with others.


Get tips from a data driven coach

We use data to give you pointers on improving your riding experience

Learn from specific points in the data and explore a variety of techniques in order to improve your experience. These tips will give you resources and pointers on what to do and have been tested on a variety of new snowboarders who have greatly improved their riding ability.

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"I use this app to set up communications with friends when going out to dangerous locations. We can all communicate locally and if something happens, we are reassured that we will get help. The safety feature is amazing"
— Alex Rider

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Connect with Others

Explore and attend events from the snowboarding community

Socialize and look at other peoples challenges and events. You can complete the challenges set by your friends or by the mountains. Race them and get highscores on the community leaderboards. Review messages and texts through the run on the app.

Set up local communication

Create a fixed walkie talkie communication

Through the app you can set up a small group of users that would create a radio channel when traveling to places lacking signal, allowing you to stay in constant communication using the AR device.

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